I CAN't SmilE...
I said it.. I've tried.. seriously..! i mean not that i'm sad or anything ...
you know those people who just smile and look absolutly gorgeous..
i can't smile and look ERm... Nice.. Yah.. i can't do the whole..
"show your Pearlie Whites" thing.. Hmmm.. HOw distressful..
I'm like a (MONA ANDREW).. you know.. the type thats..
lip smiling.. or frowning.. um.. yeah.. ambiguity..
Smiles... they are probably overrated~ anyway~ *tantrum*
i'm like a clown.. sad on the inside but with a big painted SMILE..
ugh.. just the thought IRKS me.. Or didn't you know..
i have clown phobia..
ah well.. i'm okay without the smiles.. it is strange though..
Hmmm.. alright then, what a strange post..
Good Night~