Sweet Sweet Relief..
Okay, exams are finally over and I've been putting off this post since Friday.. but in my defense, this last week has REALLY REALLY worn me out physically and mentally. Late nights wrecking my brains over managerial accounting and business statistics, my body running solely on redbull and junk food. But, it's finally over. Not blogging was one of those," I wish i had more time to do it, when exams are on, but now that exams are over, I'll put it off" kinda things. After my paper on friday and celebrating Shawn's 18th at doubleO the same night, i've pretty much been just catching up on loss sleep for the week before. Sleep... sweet sweet sleep..
I think I've worked really hard this sem. Been pushing for straight A's. not even -A's. And I really hope i get it, just to validate my efforts. Anyway, basketball tmr and Bangkok on Thurs.. :)
Let the vacation Begin~