Tuesday, September 12, 2006

You know.. that story..? haha.. i don't even think it has a name..
but i'll try to describe it.. if i can remeber it right..

the story is based on weird circumstances.. so don't judge it
or make any wise cracks.. cuz its just a friggin story.. just LISTEN~!
let me tell it.. everyone's gotta be a wise guy.. = )

it revolves around a group of men..
who went to hell and are strapped in onto a bench..
and the table is like 2 meters away..
and they each have a bowl of food on the table..
and 2 meter spoons.. so they are all psyco moto idiots..
and they can't feed themselves..
so they bitch and whine and complain..
NO suprise there..

whilst complaining~~~
one of the men catches something in the corner of his eye..
Off in the distance.. low and behold.. is table 2~!
Convienently located in heaven.. my my..
now he squints.. expecting grand tables and all you can eat..
(you get the picture.. angels.. harps.. wine and food.. )

but..~! he see's another unfortunate bunch..
stuck in the same prediciment he and his amigos are in..
so he mutters.. bunch of poor saps..

but hold the Phone~..! everyone from the other table fills their spoon..
turns left or right.. and starts feeding his pal..~!
their white gowns may get a little messy but hey~..
everyone gets fed..!

teamwork.. its a funny thing.. it works so well..
but pple just don't seem to wanna be a part of it..

i feel like a can offer so much more to my friends and family and girlfirend..
i wana be a force in my life and yours.. and have a good time doing it...= )
if only you let me..

Fact is.. life is not a spectator sport..
life's a game.. and weather you like it.. or not..
its on ALL the time.. so its Win lose or draw.. right?
it may look clear that things are a simple win lose or draw..
but STOP~! really step back.. hold it for just a sec..

here's what i think..
some people win.. do whatever it takes..
step on friends.. lose their loved ones.. (like a friend i know)
now they have money.. respect.. and they have won..

life isn't about winning at all.. is it..?
its has and always will be.. about how you play the game..
much love.. from the ever yakkin..
ME... hughug kiss kiss..

and joe joe..! so gald i called ya man.. you know i'm there for ya~..